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Red Root Floaters + Frogbit, 70 RR leaves & 7+ big FB plants, live aquarium

  • Species: Red Root Floaters
  • Water Temperature: Tropical
Red Root Floaters and Frogbit Combo. Freshly harvested Red Root Floaters
Phyllanthus Fluitans) and Amazon Frogbit from my aquariums. You will receive
one 5.5 oz cup of red root floaters (70+ leaves) and one 5.5 oz cup of frogbit
7+ plants, including some with leaves 1 inch+).
These plants are easy to grow and are beautiful both above and below the water
surface. Their long roots provide a safe haven for small fry and shrimp, and
cover for surface-dwelling fish. My bettas especially enjoy bubble-nesting
under the frogbit leaves. With enough light, these plants are excellent filters
for ammonia and nitrates and they will multiply quickly.
The red root floaters change color depending on the amount of light they get,
often growing dark red right under the tank lights and then fading to light
green further away. They will also bloom continuously if they have enough
humidity, like when they are grown under a tank lid. Your cup will have a mix
of both red and green leaves and will include some blooms :)
These plants come from healthy, well-established fish tanks with good,
balanced ecosystems and no duckweed. I'll try my best to check for snails, but
they may have a hitchhiker or two or other beneficial microfauna.
Live arrival guarantee!
Free gift with every order :)
These are live plants that cannot survive extreme temperatures. Please be
ready to receive your plants as soon as they are delivered, and don't leave the
box sitting in the sun or exposed to the cold. Purchases are at buyer's own
risk for locations with temps above 90° or below 55° F.
Species Red Root Floaters
Water Temperature Tropical

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