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Pioneer 11C33 Silage Inoculant Rapid React AEROBIC STABILITY CORN TREAT 50T

  • Manufacturer Part Number: 11C33
Pionner 11C33 Corn Silage Inoculant Rapid React AEROBIC STABILITY CORN SILAGE
Brand: Pioneer
Part Number: 11C33
Reduced Heating and Improved Silage Quality Pioneer® brand 11C33 corn silage
inoculant is designed to reduce heating, increase bunklife and improve silage
quality by providing low terminal pH and a desirable VFA profile.
Enhanced Fermentation Pioneer® brand 11C33 corn silage inoculant enhances
fermentation in whole-plant corn silage, delivering an improved fermentation
acid profile which helps to enhance aerobic dry matter recovery and
preservation, and minimize dry matter losses.
Reduces Shrink Loss in Grass Silage Pioneer® brand 11C33 corn silage
inoculant reduces shrink losses during feed by more than 3 percent when compared
with a control group. It also remains cooler for much longer periods of time
when exposed to air.
Key Benefits of Pioneer® Brand 11C33 Corn Silage Inoculant Pioneer® brand
11C33 corn silage inoculant contains a unique blend of patented and/or
proprietary next-generation Lactobacillus buchneri and Lactobacillus plantarum
Manufacturer Part Number 11C33

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