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Hand-Harvested Wild Rice - 100% Natural NOT Cultivated Minnesota-Grown

  • Food Specifications: Gluten Free
Minnesota Natural Wild Rice--Interesting Info
Wild rice was critical for the native people to survive the long, cold winters
Minnesota is known for, and they still harvest wild rice each year for food and
to honor the tradition which was so important to their ancestors' way of life.
Wild rice has powerful antioxidant and lipid-lowering properties and is a rich
source of dietary fiber which is essential for keeping cholesterol low. The
fact that it's delicious is a tremendous bonus!
Minnesota has more acres of natural wild rice than any other state in the
nation. In 1977, wild rice became the state grain of Minnesota.
Wild rice grows once annually in Minnesota and although harvesting has been
done for centuries, not much has changed over time for the non-commercial wild
rice we are selling. The harvest is typically completed by a two-person team
partners") with one pushing the canoe through the wild rice bed using a long
pole while the other does the picking.
The picker uses two wooden sticks called "knockers" -- one stick to gently
guide the wild rice plants over the side of the canoe, and the other stick to
tap (or "knock") the wild rice into the canoe. This is repeated until the day's
harvest is over.
The wild rice is then delivered to a "finisher" or "processor" to prepare it
for consumption. This involves drying, parching over heat, hulling, and
winnowing (to separate the sheath from the grain).
Commercially-Grown and/or Harvested Wild Rice (Cultivated)
In the 1950's, due to the increased demand and short supply of native/natural
wild rice, commercial wild rice growing and harvesting operations were
developed. Most of these operations today are in California, Minnesota, and
Canada. The cultivated wild rice grown in these operations is NOT the same as
the wild rice we are selling.
Cultivated wild rice is grown on man-made rice paddies, where the water levels
are managed to try to produce the ideal conditions which sometimes do not exist
in nature. The wild rice is typically harvested mechanically, using air boats.
Recently, air boat harvesting of lake-grown (not paddy) wild rice is occurring
on private ponds and lakes, particularly in Canada. This is sometimes marketed
as "hand-processed" which can be confusing to the buyer. "Hand-processed" is
not hand-harvested wild rice! All mechanical harvesting takes the wild rice in
one pass, whether it is fully ripened or not, and we know that wild rice is not
typically ready at the same time!
Although these wild rice "farms" ensure a steady supply of product, the
natural wild rice we are selling is superior in taste and appearance, and it
cooks faster. Because it is hand-harvested, it is more expensive, but it is
worth it! We encourage anyone to compare the difference and see for yourself.
We are experienced harvesters and distributors who will ensure you are getting
the best natural wild rice available each season.
Our wild rice is not genetically modified in any way and has a natural, nutty
flavor. NO PESTICIDES or HERBICIDES are used on the natural wild rice beds.
We know if you try our natural wild rice you will notice the difference!
Cooking Instructions
Wash wild rice by running under cold water. Optional -- soak the wild rice
overnight. Add four cups of water to one cup wild rice, salt optional. Bring to
boil. Reduce heat and simmer 25-30 minutes until the wild rice is fluffed as
desired. Drain excess water. One cup of wild rice makes four to five cups
Wild Rice Storage & Shelf Life
You may store your wild rice at room temperature. Keep it dry and the shelf
life is indefinite (years).
What Our Customers Say (Real Testimonials)
I purchased a bag of your awesome "real" wild rice. Definitely the best
wild rice I've ever tasted. Prior to trying your product, I had only tried
cultivated wild rice that I thought was the real McCoy. No comparison in my
opinion -- your wild rice is beyond wonderful and a real treat.
Wanted to let you know this Hand Harvested Wild Rice arrived today, safe
and sound. Your wild rice makes the Best Wild Rice Soup and is fantastic in
Wild Rice/Cranberry Bread.
Fast delivery. THX. Best rice ever.
This stuff is amazing thank you!
Oh, this is heaven sent (your wild rice).
Providing the store customers with the world's best wild rice since 2009!
Food Specifications Gluten Free

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