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Aquarium Plants Pack – Full Tank Starter Bundle (50+ Stems) Beginner Plant Mix

  • Species: Multi
  • Water Temperature: Tropical
Live Aquarium Plants pack with 50+ stems from 8-10 different plants.
This bundle is perfect for starting a beautiful planted tank and will include
plants for each area: Carpeting, Foreground/Midground, and Background. We also
do our best to include a portion of moss or floaters and at least one red plant
for a splash of color. All plants are beginner friendly and can be grown in low
and high tech aquariums with or without Co2.
Your Aquarium Plants pack will include a mix of 8+ different plants from
following list:
Micranthemum Monte Carlo (4oz portion)
Hydrocotyle Tripartita ‘Japan’
Sagittaria Subulata (Dwarf Sagittaria)
Hemianthus Micranthemoides (Pearl Weed)
Alternanthera: (Reineckii, Rosanervig)
Anubias Barteri Nana
Anubias Congensis
Hygrophila Siamensis
Ammania Gracilis
Java Fern (Leptochilus Pteropus)
Pogostemon Helferi
Watersprite ‘Lace Leaf Fern'
Vallisneria Spiralis “Jungle Val”
Anarchis Elodea
Ludwigia Repens (Red)
Rotala Rotundfolia (Red)
Java Fern (Leptochilus Pteropus)
Bacopa Monnieri (Moneywort)
Brazillian Pennywort)
Hornwort (Ceratophyllum)
Mosses/Floaters (2 oz Portion):
Flame Moss
Subwassertang / Pelia Moss
Red Root Floaters
Amazon Frogbit *Specific plant requests are welcome! Feel free to send me a
message with up to 5 plants your do/don't want included in your package and I
will do my very best to make it happen!*
All plants are grown fully submerged, so there is no melting or need for an
acclimation period - they will arrive ready to be planted underwater (the
sooner the better!)
Species Multi
Water Temperature Tropical

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