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10 lbs Pure Lead Ingots RCBS SAECO Hand Poured Fishing Hunting Paperweights, Etc

  • Ammunition Type: any
  • Brand: RCBS
  • Gauge/Caliber: any
  • Type: RCBS
Items in photo are the not the items sold, but identical in every way. 10 lbs Pure Lead Ingots locally poured by hand in Missoula, Montana. Helping my uncle the hoard unload items, and discovered a large trove of lead ingots that he poured himself years ago. Starting to sell them with this small sample. Some are stamped with SEACO, some with RCBS. (Not sure the difference, but if you have a preference let me know). Let me know if you’re interested in buying in bulk. Thanks!
Ammunition Type any
Brand RCBS
Gauge/Caliber any

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